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October 14, 2022

5 Things to Keep in Mind as a PR Intern

Written by Phoebe Velez, Head of Interns, HJ-PR

So you’ve landed a PR internship! Pat yourself on the back – that’s a major accomplishment, and you should be very proud of yourself. Your head is probably spinning as you approach your first day of work, either in-person or remote… I know mine was. Here are some things to remember that will hopefully keep your mind at ease:

  • The first day is always the most overwhelming.
    • The first day is when you have everything explained to you, and you feel like you’ve retained none of it by the time it’s over.  That’s completely normal – after a few days, you’ll get into a routine and you’ll understand the flow of things.  If your head is spinning at the end of day one, know that it’ll all be okay – it’ll be smooth sailing soon enough.

  • We’ve all been where you are now.
    • It’s okay if you don’t know exactly how everything works on the first day – no one expects you to!  Don’t be afraid to ask questions – I can guarantee you that someone has asked whatever question is on your mind.  No questions are dumb!

  • It’s not that deep.
    • Never take constructive criticism personally – for example, what you’ve written may be great, but might not sound like the brand you’re writing the piece for.  No feedback given ever has anything to do with who you are as a person – all any of us want to do is put out the best and most on-brand pieces for our clients!

  • You are your fiercest advocate.
    • It’s more than okay to take a step back and take a deep breath.  Your mental and physical health are top priority… but the only person who knows your limits is you.  If you need some time to recoup, you have to communicate that to someone.

  • You earned the space you take up.
    • This is so much easier said than done, but do not doubt your place!  If you have doubts, please find some reassurance knowing that you were selected for your position because someone saw something in you.  Someone believed (and still believes) in you!
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